Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Uncovering Allusion - Hip-Hop

(Line 1 & 2) A female from georgia just grep up out herself, she left the plantation without having the skills to read.

(Line 5) She valued having to be patient , keeping her spirits up and to keep wishing.

(Line 15) More of like a trait nurturing, with emotions and feelings.

Uncovering Allusion - classic , Aint i a woman?

The man that the author refers to is a white man. (Line1)

Like she refers to she couldnt take any shortcut towards the mud puddle, she had to walk through it. (Line6)

She s describing how she was doing a hard job. (Line10)

There was no male to help her out in the work progress. (Line12)

The little man in black is the priest. (Line 24)

Making a statement about christ, more of how he came from, trying to confirm a point. (Line 28 & 29)

Its reffering to it takes one person to turn the world upside down. (Line 30, 31 & 32)

Theres a time that everyone goes to there rough spots , but be strong cause in a little bit things are going to get better. (Line 33 & 34)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


1. Terrific Tony takes his Frosted Flakes to trade Timmy the toad.

2. Elephants have English Earmuffs on their ears.

3. Black Bears so vicious, strong brown hugs, leaves you with a mark.

Tounge twister

Rice with some Ice Coffe , will never leave a  Grief. shouldnt being Thiefing, my phone is always Ringing, many thoughts get me Thinking, ill never let it Sink me, im Feeling it , Adrenaline.
the Fights we Fought, the Thoughts that been Taught, damages that we caught, lets get it heal so when we reunite again we can actually feel. words shock me like a electric eel.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Poetry , October 13 , 2011

1. Poetry is an art, how is it a art? Its like drawing something but your drawing it with words. describing it with these nouns , adjective , verbs etc.

2. I don't really know if  people would disagree with me because everybody heard poetry before, the first thought about it is express.  describe anything you desire.

3. Poetry doesn't really have to be rhyming, but rather of understanding.

4. I mean poetry does have to make sense or so readers could understand. Also when it comes to random poetry at least they should make it interesting nor make it fun.

5. The type of feeling people get on poetry is pretty much depends on the genre of a poem,

Thursday, August 25, 2011

starring night vicent van gogh

Vincent Van Gogh

1.Vincent van Gogh, for whom color was the chief symbol of expression, was born in Groot-Zundert, Holland. The son of a pastor, brought up in a religious and cultured atmosphere, Vincent was highly emotional and lacked self-confidence. Between 1860 and 1880, when he

finally decided to become an artist, van Gogh had had two unsuitable and unhappy romances and had worked unsuccessfully as a clerk in a bookstore, an art salesman, and a preacher in the Borinage (a dreary mining district in Belgium), where he was dismissed for overzealousness.

2. He was famous for his mental state of ideas , and also cause of his paintings and his own artistic style.

Vincent led a short life, 1853-1890. Many world events transpired during that time. The Crimean War was on in 1853 when he was born, in 1855 Czar Nicholas I of Russia died and succeeded by Alexander II. Charles Darwin published 'Origin of the Species' in 1859. Abraham Lincoln was elected US president in 1860, the Civil war, 1861-65. In 1864 Louis Pasteur invents pasteurization. The French capture Mexico City in 1863 and set up Archduke Maximilian of Austria as emperor of Mexico. The Franco Prussian war breaks out in 1870.

4. The history of Mexican-American people is wide-ranging, spanning more than four hundred years and varying from region to region within the United States. Mexican-Americans were once concentrated in the states that formerly belonged to Mexico, including California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Texas; they began creating communities in Los Angeles, California, Santa Ana, California, San Francisco, California, Denver, Colorado, Houston, Texas, San Antonio, Texas and other steel producing regions when they obtained employment there during World War I. More recently, Mexican immigrants have increasingly become a large part of the workforce in industries such as meat packing throughout the Midwest, in agriculture in the southeastern United States, and in the construction, landscaping, restaurant, hotel and other service industries throughout the country.Mexican-American identity has also changed markedly throughout these years. In the past hundred years Mexican-Americans have campaigned for voting rights, stood against educational, employment, and ethnic discrimination and stood for economic and social advancement. At the same time many Mexican-Americans have struggled with defining and maintaining their community's identity. In the 1960s and 1970s, some Hispanic student groups flirted with nationalism and differences over the proper name for members of the community of Chicano/Chicana, Latino/Latina, Mexican-Americans, Hispanics or simply La Raza became tied up with deeper disagreements over whether to integrate into or remain separate from Anglo society, as well as divisions between those Mexican-Americans whose families had lived in the United States for two or more generations and more recent immigrants.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Racism 1/24/11

The Kids in the video were saying there feelings because there trying to show people how racial can occurred around and it can reflect to anyone. We all humans, well all are the same but in a different way. Just cause we all got different color skin doesnt mean you can treat someone differently. We should all be respected the same way.